schedule an exam?
To order an exam, just complete our online Order an Exam form (found on the dropdown menu to the left) and enter the required information. We will contact your client within 4 business hours and email you with confirmation and status. Need to schedule an insurance exam? Call us at 904.733.2222 and we will be happy to obtain the information, check requirements and availability while you are on the line. Have a question about scheduling/availability? You can also email us at with questions concerning coverage.
have an out of town client?
IMR can cover you coverage anywhere in the United States. Provide the same information that you would for a local client including a zip code and the order can be transferred to the appropriate office. Our office will then monitor status of the case and will let you know when scheduled and completed. This is an extra benefit of using IMR…we want to be the only number you call for all of your insurance paramedical needs.
how to advise your clients to prepare for an insurance exam
Did you know that a good night’s sleep may be the best advice for a proper insurance exam? Please review the list of suggestions and feel free to share with your clients. We want your clients to present the best they can during the underwriting process and this list includes easy suggestions to help.
how can my client access their lab results?
If the carrier participates in Online Access of lab results, your client will be able to download their own results…a great perk for them! If the bar code on the lab slip for your client begins with “80”, the client will need to access the link for the CRL lab.
If the bar code on the lab slip for your client begins with “002” or “003”, the client will need to access this link for the Examone lab.
If the carrier does not participate in Online Access of lab results, you will need to check with the carrier’s home office/underwriting department to verify their process.